Sunday, 9 Mar 2025

BWF Focuses on Injury Prevention and Research Grants

High-level badminton is a physically demanding sport that puts players at risk of various injuries. Recognizing this, the Badminton World Federation (BWF) has prioritized injury prevention projects for the 2017-2018 BWF sport-science research grants.

Research Grants Emphasize Injury Prevention

Out of the ten research proposals selected, five are dedicated to injury prevention, strengthening, and closely-related topics. Let’s take a closer look at some of these projects:

  • Fiddy Davis, a researcher at the School of Allied Sciences, Manipal University in India, is examining the effectiveness of a comprehensive badminton-specific injury prevention program. This program aims to reduce the risk of overuse and acute injuries in players.

  • Carla van der Merwe from Massey University in New Zealand is focusing on the function and adaptation of foot muscles during court sports that require sudden acceleration. The study aims to understand the impact of training with minimal support or even training barefoot on foot muscles, lower limb mechanics, injury mechanisms, and performance in badminton players.

  • Dr. Olivier Girard and Dr. Mohammed Ihsan from Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital in Qatar are researching the effects of ischemic pre-conditioning (IPC) on recovery from fatigue and plantar loading characteristics following simulated match play. IPC is an experimental technique that reduces the loss of blood supply and oxygen to tissues. This study aims to determine if IPC can be used as a conditioning tool to facilitate recovery in badminton players.

  • Dr. Olivier Girard and Dr. Jaime Fernandez-Fernandez from the same institution are investigating changes in explosive strength and injury effects after badminton match play.

  • A collaboration between Badminton Wales and Cardiff Metropolitan University will examine the effectiveness of strength and conditioning for young badminton players. As younger generations prepare for professional badminton, this study aims to provide research-based information on the importance of strength training in preventing injuries and maximizing performance. The findings will guide coaches and players in incorporating strength and conditioning programs for junior players.

Tham Khảo Thêm:  BWF News

Promoting Player Safety and Performance

The research conducted through these grants aligns with BWF’s commitment to safeguarding players and enhancing their performance on the court. By prioritizing injury prevention and exploring avenues for improvement, BWF strives to ensure a safer and more competitive playing environment.

3D motion analysis of the badminton smash.

Photo: Dr. Olivier Girard instructs a participant during neuromuscular testing at the Spanish Junior Championships 2018.


  • Q: What is the focus of the 2017-2018 BWF sport-science research grants?

    • A: The grants prioritize injury prevention and related topics in high-level badminton.
  • Q: What are some examples of the research projects funded by these grants?

    • A: Examples include examining the effectiveness of a badminton-specific injury prevention program, studying the impact of training with minimal support or training barefoot on foot muscles and performance, investigating the effects of ischemic pre-conditioning on recovery from fatigue, analyzing changes in explosive strength after match play, and exploring the effectiveness of strength and conditioning for young badminton players.
  • Q: How does BWF aim to improve player safety and performance through these grants?

    • A: By prioritizing injury prevention and conducting research on strength and conditioning, BWF seeks to create a safer playing environment and enhance players’ on-court performance.


The Badminton World Federation (BWF) is actively investing in research projects focused on injury prevention and related areas in high-level badminton. With projects examining the effectiveness of injury prevention programs, understanding the impact of training on foot muscles, investigating the benefits of ischemic pre-conditioning, analyzing changes in explosive strength, and exploring the effectiveness of strength and conditioning, BWF aims to promote player safety and performance on the court. By prioritizing research and innovation, BWF strives to create a safer and more competitive environment for badminton players worldwide.

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